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U.S. Mexico war timeline showing dates and events from 1844 to 1848 06_1844 11_1844 12_1844 01_1845 03_1845 04_1845 07_1845 11_1845 12_1845 01_1846 03_1846 04_1846 05_1846 06_1846 07_1846 08_1846 09_1846 10_1846 11_1846 12_1846 01_1847 02_1847 03_1847 04_1847 05_1847 08_1847 09_1847 10_1847 12_1847 01_1848 02_1848 03_1848 05_1848 06_1848 07_1848 08_1848 11_1848

The U.S. - Mexico War

(1846 - 1848)

Is the largest and most significant armed struggle between two nations in the western hemisphere. In Mexico, the war left a legacy of bitterness that can be seen to this day. In the United States, tensions between North and South soon eclipsed the clash with Mexico in the national imagination. Abraham Lincoln alluded to these tensions when he described the United States in 1858 as "a house divided." A decade earlier, however, North America was a divided continent, the site of conflict between two republics that had forged two very different destinies since winning their independence from European power.

War Timeline