Squire Haskins Photography, Inc. Collection, University of Texas at Arlington Libraries. Interstate 35E north of downtown Dallas. The Cabana Motor Hotel is in the middle of the photograph. (n.d). Retrieved from https://library.uta.edu/digitalgallery/img/20025894


Squire Haskins Photography, Inc. Collection, University of Texas at Arlington Libraries. "Interstate 35E north of downtown Dallas. The Cabana Motor Hotel is in the middle of the photograph." UTA Libraries Digital Gallery. n.d. Accessed
April 26, 2024
. https://library.uta.edu/digitalgallery/img/20025894


Squire Haskins Photography, Inc. Collection, University of Texas at Arlington Libraries. Interstate 35E north of downtown Dallas. The Cabana Motor Hotel is in the middle of the photograph. n.d. UTA Libraries Digital Gallery, https://library.uta.edu/digitalgallery/img/20025894. Accessed
26 Apr 2024

Special Collections Reference Information

Original image part of the Squire Haskins Photography, Inc. Collection, University of Texas at Arlington Libraries. Identifier: AR447-A8653
Identifier: 20025894
Title: Interstate 35E north of downtown Dallas. The Cabana Motor Hotel is in the middle of the photograph
Creator: Squire Haskins Photography, Inc. (Photographer)
Description: Interstate 35E north of downtown Dallas. The Cabana Motor Hotel is in the middle of the photograph
Collection: Squire Haskins Photography, Inc. Collection
Type: Still Image
Format: JPG
Publisher: University of Texas at Arlington Libraries
Rights Holder: University of Texas at Arlington Libraries, Special Collections

Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ If used, please attribute using one of the citations provided.

Harmful Content Statement: This item includes content that may have outdated language or may be graphic or disturbing in nature. Please refer to our Statement of Harmful Language for more information.