Maps of Africa, University of Texas at Arlington Libraries. Opper-Ethiopien of 't Ryk der Abyssinen door de e. Vaders H. Lobo en M. Almeida bereyst, en met de Nyl en Roode Zee beschreven.. (1706). Retrieved from https://library.uta.edu/digitalgallery/img/20086460


Maps of Africa, University of Texas at Arlington Libraries. "Opper-Ethiopien of 't Ryk der Abyssinen door de e. Vaders H. Lobo en M. Almeida bereyst, en met de Nyl en Roode Zee beschreven.." UTA Libraries Digital Gallery. 1706. Accessed
April 29, 2024
. https://library.uta.edu/digitalgallery/img/20086460


Maps of Africa, University of Texas at Arlington Libraries. Opper-Ethiopien of 't Ryk der Abyssinen door de e. Vaders H. Lobo en M. Almeida bereyst, en met de Nyl en Roode Zee beschreven.. 1706. UTA Libraries Digital Gallery, https://library.uta.edu/digitalgallery/img/20086460. Accessed
29 Apr 2024

Special Collections Reference Information

Original image part of the Maps of Africa, University of Texas at Arlington Libraries. Identifier: 2019-203, Van der Aa_Opprt-Ethiopien of' Tryk der Abyssinen door de E. Vaders H. Lobo en M. Almeida_1700_UTA_2019-203
Identifier: 20086460
Title: Opper-Ethiopien of 't Ryk der Abyssinen door de e. Vaders H. Lobo en M. Almeida bereyst, en met de Nyl en Roode Zee beschreven.
Creator: van der Aa, Pieter (Cartographer, Publisher), Lobo, Jeronimo (Cartographer), Almeida, Manuel (Cartographer)
Description: Detailed map of part of east Africa showing the southern part of the Red Sea, the horn of Africa based upon the map of Ethiopia by Portuguese Jesuit missionaries Jeronimo Lobo and Manuel de Almeida. The pictorial scene in lower left corner depicts these two missionaries meeting the king of Abyssinia, thought to be related to the quasi-mythical Christian King Prester John. There is a white unicorn and a pelican in the background. Both of these were roughly based upon descriptions of animals in Father Lobo's journal. The reference to a unicorn would puzzle Europeans for years. From "Gedenk-waardige Aanteekeningen, Gehouden door de Eerwaarden Vader Hieronymus Lobo, ob syn Voyagie, Gedaan in het Jaar, 1636..." published in Leiden by Pieter van der Aa in 1706. Colored, horizontal map, single-paged and single-sided. 15 cm. x 24 cm. [Gift of Dr. Franke]
Date Created: 1706
Coverage: 1630s
Category: Cartography - Maps and Atlases
Subject Term: Maps, Africa, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, Jesuit missionaries, Unicorns, Pelicans, Nile, Nile River, Prester John
Location: Northeastern Africa
Southern Arabian Peninsula

Collection: Maps of Africa
Language: Dutch
Type: Still Image
Format: JPG
Publisher: University of Texas at Arlington Libraries
Rights Holder: University of Texas at Arlington Libraries, Special Collections

Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ If used, please attribute using one of the citations provided.

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