cover of Inside UTA, faculty/staff newsletter, October 1990
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The Movin' Mavs Wheelchair Athletic Club was created by Jim Hayes in the summer of 1990. Mr. Hayes 10-year objective was to have raised funds for a $1 million endowment, with interest supporting the wheelchair athletic program.

At the end of the article, a photograph of Jack L. Booth, executive director of Spring Creek Rehabilitation Hospital, is shown newspaper articles about the Movin' Mavs men's wheelchair basketball program. Booth gave a $2,000 check on behalf of Spring Creek to Hayes for student scholarships.


Neaves, Sherry Wodraska, (1990). Athletic club keeps wheelchair program movin', Inside UTA, 23(2).

Item PDF: 
Neaves, Sherry Wodraska (Author)
Document Type: 
Magazine/Journal Article
English (United States)
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