
Tell Us Your Story!

We are eager to hear about your military experience, whether it be amusing anecdotes, the drudgery of daily life, or the realities of seeing active combat duty. We are excited to talk not only with those who served in active combat duty, but with anyone serving in the military and with those who support them: spouses, family, friends, and others.

Currently, interviews are conducted on UT Arlington’s campus. Each interview includes a short pre-interview session that allows our interviewer to develop questions specific to your experiences. The interview itself is usually 45 minutes to one hour. After the interview, your session will be edited with video clips placed on the Mav Vets site along with a complete copy of the transcribed interview. A link to the full interview will be provided, and you will also receive your own copy of the interview.

For more information about this project, please contact Yumi Ohira, Digital Publishing & Repository Librarian, at (817) 272-7521 or

To indicate your interest in talking with us, please complete the Participation Form below.

Thank you.

Participation Form

Name: *

Mailing Address:

Email Address:

Phone Number:

Did you serve in a branch of the military? Yes No

If so, please indicate which one:

Did you serve in a specific campaign or war? Yes No

If so, please indicate which one(s):
World War II

If you are a spouse, family member, friend or are otherwise a supporter of a veteran, please tell us your relationship to the veteran: