Association for Individuals with Disabilities training and referral manual
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This is an attendant training and referral manual intended to provide general information for Independent living attendants who supervise people with disability. It contains the following:

  • Glossary of words and terms related to disability
  • Definition of Disability and various examples with detailed summary about the disability
  • Attendant training test divided into five categories.
  • Diagrams and images to give clear understanding of what is being described
  • There is also a list of ways to address different conditions and administer proper care
  • Some of the disabilities discussed are: spinal cord injury, arthritis, cerebral palsy etc.

It was compiled by Charlotte Weiss, Program Coordinator, Attendant Training and Referral - Association for Individuals with Disabilities.


Item PDF: 
Weiss, Charlotte
Document Type: 
English (United States)
University of Texas at Arlington
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